Eesti Raudtee 2019-2024 strateegiast lähtuvalt on raudtee üheks lähiaastate fookuseks taristu kaasajastamine eesmärgiga viia liiklusjuhtimine uuele tasandile. Vajalik on liikluse automatiseerimine mis tähendab nii juht- kui operatiivseadmete täielikku väljavahetamist. Ajendatud on see sellest, et jaamades on kasutusel aegunud ca 50 aastat vanad releesüsteemid, mille hooldamine on kulukas ja varuosasid enam ei ole, seega need vajavad väljavahetamist.
Üleminek täisautomaatsele liiklusjuhtimissüsteemile koosneb kahest alamprojektist: „Taristuülene turvangusüsteemide moderniseerimine“ ja „Liikluskorralduse automatiseerimine“. Uue tervikliku liiklusjuhtimise süsteemi kasutusele võtmine hõlmab teedel toimuva liikluse automatiseeritud reguleerimist (CCS - Control Command Signalling) ning raudteeliikluse juhtimist ja jälgimist (TM - Traffic Management). Projekti „Liiklusjuhtimise protsessi automatiseerimine“ raames plaanitakse dispetšerjuhtimise süsteemi (Time Management System (TMS)) loomine, mis näeks ette ühise juhtimise operatsioonide formaati erinevatele dispetšeri tsentralisatsiooni (DT) lahendustele.
Selleks, et nimetatud lahenduse hange vastaks kõige paremini Eesti Raudtee vajadustele ning kaks eelpoolmainitud eraldi projekti moodustaks kokku terviku, on algatatud turu-uuring. Turu-uuringuga soovime saada enne hanke väljakuulutamist tagasisidet koostatud TMS süsteemi tehnilisele kirjeldusele ja koguda infot parimate praktikate kohta, mida selle hanke ja projekti läbiviimisel arvesse võtta. Turu-uuringus osalemise kutse on välja saadetud 18.07.19 liiklusjuhtimise lahendus pakkuvatele ettevõtetele Euroopa Liidus.
Dmitrij Sazanov,
Maia Sokk,
In English:
Market research regarding Traffic Management System (TMS)
Estonian Railways is an Estonian state-owned company responsible for the railway administration tasks, which ensures smooth operation, management and maintenance of railway infrastructure and efficient traffic management. Additionally, the company is responsible for operations and development of the railway infrastructure while also being a partner to railways of neighboring countries in resolving cross-border issues and developing and agreeing on standards.
Estonian Railway Ltd has a strategic direction for the period 2019-2024 to purchase and implement an automated Train Traffic Control and Management System. Within the framework of the project, there is a plan to create a system for the development of train schedules and implementation of it on different types of CTC systems. This means that it should provide a common management operations format for different types of CTC. The system must have a logical and convenient automated workstation for a planner and train dispatcher as well as it must have an automated subsystem that records and maintains info about train traffic performed in the past and analyses it in result. The wide-ranging functionality of the system must allow for the immediate control and monitoring of the train traffic by the train dispatcher.
In order to reduce the load on the dispatching apparatus, in order to increase the safety and quality of management decision-making, it is reasonable to assign the solution listed above to the software and hardware complex. In this case, the dispatcher will have the functions of centralized train traffic control, creative adjustment of the developed schedules and control over the implementation of the planned decisions.
Market research to collect best practice and feedback from European Union area to implement Traffic Management System is published on 18th of July. Request to take part of this RFI has been sent to the companies who could possibly be interested to take part of this project and tender process which will continue as next step after current market research.
Dmitrij Sazanov,
Maia Sokk,